MAY 9-11, 2024


What you should know when you get there…

EVENT UPDATES: Please continue to check our website for updates and/or contact your Studio Director.

EVENT ACCESS: Rehearsal room and change room doors will open 1 hour prior to showtime each morning. House/ballroom doors open 15 minutes prior to show time.

PARKING: Parking is free/complimentary for overnight guests and daytime attendees. Guests are required to register their license plates either at the time of check-in or upon arrival to the hotel if they are only a daytime attendee. QR codes for scanning will be posted around the conference centre for license plate registration.

FOOD & DRINK: Restaurant “Bar Mason” located in the hotel lobby.

PROPS: We cannot guarantee that storage space will be provided for props. Please be prepared to load props in and out as needed. Backstage access will be provided 1 hour prior to show times for prop arrival.

MUSIC: Music can be submitted directly through your Computition account.

  • STUDIO OWNERS/DIRECTORS ONLY: Please sign-in to your Computition dashboard where you will see the option to “Upload Music Files”.
  • Accepted Music Formats: .wav, .mp3, .m4a, or .mp4
  • Non Compatible Media Formats: .mov and .qt (QuickTime music files)

BACK UP MUSIC: We ask that all Studio Owners/Directors have backup copies on hand at the event.

  • A USB, iPod, iPad, laptop or cellphone can be used for backup music ONLY.
  • Adapters (if needed) must be provided by Studio Owners/Directors and/or teachers as we cannot guarantee compatibility from device to device.

NOTE: Teachers are responsible to play backup music. We ask that teachers are present at the music table to give any special cues. We cannot guarantee that a pitch control change can be precisely made. It is best to pre-pitch all music to avoid technical issues.

PROGRAMS: Show programs will be available for purchase at the merchandise booth in the main lobby. Electronic programs will not be available.

LIVE STREAMING: All performances and awards ceremonies will be live streamed. Our live stream can be accessed via the Purpose Dance website homepage.

HOST HOTEL: The competition is located inside the hotel conference centre.

ADDRESS: 50 Stone Road West, Guelph ON, N1G 0A9

HOTEL PHONE NUMBER: 1-844-496-8549

BOOKING LINK: Purpose Guelph 2025 Room Block


ARRIVAL DATE: Thursday, May 8, 2025

DEPARTURE DATE: Monday, May 12, 2025

LAST DAY TO BOOK: Thursday, April 10, 2025

SPECIAL GROUP RATE: $209 CAD – $239 CAD per night

NOTE: It is highly recommended that all guests use the above booking link to make their room reservations. Alternatively, guests may call Marriott reservations at 1-844-496-8549 or the hotel directly at 519-780-3700.

CANCELLATION POLICY: A special cancellation/deposit policy is in effect and may differ from standard hotel cancellation policies and/or your confirmation email. Special cancellation/deposit policy is as follows: You may cancel your reservation for no charge until April 10, 2025. A non-refundable deposit of one night room and tax will be collected following this date. You may shorten your reservation for no charge until April 24, 2025. A non-refundable deposit for the remainder of your stay will be collected following this date.

NOTE: Courtesy reminder emails will be sent out to the email address on file prior to the first deposit due date. Check-in time is 3PM or any time after. While every effort is made to accommodate guests arriving prior to 3PM early check-ins are not guaranteed. Check-out time is 11AM. Late checkouts are subject to availability at the time of check-in and for an added fee. The hotel has the right to deny late check out requests.

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